
Localisation in Laravel Vapor

5 months ago·
3 minute read

Laravel Vapor is a great way to deploy your Laravel application if you need scalability and simplicity - and these things are essential if you're building an application targetting a global audience.

And Laravel comes with some great localication features. But you may be surprised to learn that important parts of localisation won't work out of the box in Vapor.

TLDR, here's the fix.

Number formatting

If you're building an application that targets a global audience, you'll be aware that different countries have their own way of formatting numbers.

  • Thousands may be separated by a space, a comma, or a full stop
  • Decimal places may be separated by a comma or a full stop
  • The currency symbol may be placed before or after the number
  • Numbers may use a completely different character set

So for example, a number like 12345.67 could be written as:

  • 12,345.67 in the UK
  • 12 345,67 in France
  • 12.345,67 in Germany
  • ١٢٬٣٤٥٫٦٧ in Saudi Arabia

Luckily as PHP programmers we don't need to worry about this - PHP has excellent support for this with the intl extension. And Laravel's got a great wrapper for this.

Run some code like this in your local environment (like Herd) and it's going to work great:

use Illuminate\Support\Number;

Number::format(12345.67); // 12,345.67

Number::format(12345.67); // 12 345,67

Number::format(12345.67); // 12.345,67

Number::format(12345.67); // ١٢٬٣٤٥٫٦٧

but now deploy this with Vapor and you'll find that your numbers are always going to be formatted as 12,345.67.

And it's not just number formatting that's broken. It's also date formatting, string collation, calendar services and more.

But why?

To understand why, we need to dive into both how PHP's intl extension works, and how Laravel Vapor works.

intl extension

The intl extension provides us with a whole load of useful classes that we can use to format numbers, dates, and strings in a way that's appropriate for the user's locale.

And rather than reinventing the wheel, it's actually just a wrapper around the ICU library - a C library that's been around for a long time and is used by many other programming languages.

Locales supported by ICU are retrieved from the operating system.

To see which locales are supported, you can run:



Laravel Vapor

Vapor is a serverless deployment platform, and it's built on top of AWS Lambda. Lambda only supports a handful of programming languages, and PHP isn't one of them. So to run PHP on Lambda, Vapor uses Lambda container images: your application is packaged up into an image, and a container of that image is run on Lambda.

The images that Vapor use are based off the Alpine Linux distribution build of PHP.

And it's here that we find the problem. Alpine Linux is a minimal distribution of Linux. It's designed to be small, simple and secure; and in order to achieve that, some things are left out. One of those things is locale data.

Let's see which locales are supported on one of Vapor's images:

$ docker run --rm laravelphp/vapor:php83-arm php -r "print_r(ResourceBundle::getLocales(''));"

As you can see, Alpine Linux only supports English locales.

The fix

To fix this, we'll need to make sure we're using a custom runtime in Laravel Vapor.

In your vapor.yml file, add a runtime key under each environment and set it to docker or docker-arm.

id: 123
name: my-app
    # ...
    runtime: docker
    # ...

Then, create an environment.Dockerfile in the root of your project for each environment, replacing environment with the environment name. ie production.Dockerfile.

Base it off the Vapor image, but additionally install the icu-data-full package before copying your application into the image.

# production.Dockerfile

FROM laravelphp/vapor:php83

RUN apk add --no-cache icu-data-full

COPY . /var/task

This will give us support for a whopping 851 locales. ¡Qué bueno!

And that's it! You can now deploy your Laravel application with localisation support to Laravel Vapor, safe in the knowledge that your numbers, dates, and strings will be formatted correctly for your users, no matter what their preferred locale may be.